The Board of the North Idaho Fire Chiefs Association would like to invite you to become a member of this organization. We offer some great opportunities for you and your firefighters:
Formal training with the Fire Officer Development Academy and the North Idaho Emergency Services Academy. The Fire Officer Development Academy, or FODA, is offered annually to any fire officer (or aspiring fire officer) in N Idaho who wishes to expand or hone his or her skills. The Fire Officer Development Academy offers a variety of classes in both operational skills and leadership development. The North Idaho Emergency Services Academy, or NIESA, is held quarterly each year and is open to any firefighter in north Idaho. The courses offered at NIESA are usually “back to the basics” operational sessions that aim to teach firefighters at the task level. The first NIESA class this year will be Engine Company Operations, hosted by Couer d’Alene Fire in March 2024. Both FODA and NIESA classes require registration and do have a monetary cost to them, but we work hard to keep the costs as low as possible. As a member of the North Idaho Fire Chiefs Association, you will help make the decisions regarding what courses are presented each year.
In addition to FODA and NIESA, members in the North Idaho Fire Chiefs Association become part of an email group in which we all share upcoming events, classes, or chances to pool a need together to save money. Our agencies regularly host classes taught by IDL, NIC, and FST, and having more people involved in training advances us all.
Fellowship: There is no better way to learn than from each other. Our meetings are an opportunity to run ideas past the group to see if anyone else has faced an issue, get council on whatever is troubling us, and offer the understanding and support that only those in the fire and emergency services field can extend. We learn from each other, and our collective resources are immense. Our Board represents 3 of our 6 member counties, and our goal is to consistently attend meetings where all 6 counties are represented.
We know that budgets are tight. But membership in the North Idaho Fire Chiefs Association is only $25 per person annually, and advanced notice and access to the training opportunities makes that a bargain.
If you truly cannot afford $25 for your Fire Chief (or other chief officers) to become a member of NIFCA, please let us know and we will work with you. Your involvement is important to all of us.
If you are ready to become a member, please fill out the form below or complete this form and return it to nifcassoc@gmail.com.